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Danielle Teng

Mrs. Scharf


10 April 2017

The Water of the World


Our oceans shift and change but the main thing that keeps the movements mildly under control is gravity. Similarly, in my life, no matter where I go, how I move, or what I believe, my parents keep me grounded. They support me and keep me attached to all that surrounds me, without completely restricting me from learning, and discovering things for myself. Additionally, the moon’s gravitational impact on the tides, demonstrate the impact of the different people that come into my life. As people come and go, they affect my emotions, and my views. They draw me in, or away, ritualistically, purely based on my attraction to wanting to learn more about others, and wanting to be involved.



The ocean is made up of newly melted glaciers, the water that’s been there for all of time, the water that has ventured across the lands of the world, and so much more. This describes me and how I aspire to be. I want to take in as much information as I possibly can, keep my memories of interactions with others and loved ones that have passed, and explore the vast mysterious world that I live in. Each and every addition, shapes the ocean into its majestic and beautiful self. In the same way, that every piece of knowledge, every interaction, and each day that I live, shape who I am as a person.


The main factors that keep the ocean together, are cohesion, and gravity. As gravity represents my parents, keeping me stable, and attached to the world. Cohesion represents the additions to my life. For example, with each and every person that comes into my life, I want to know more about them, I want to be a part of their lives, and I want to make a bond with them. If they need something, I want to be able to be there for them, and likewise, if I need something, they’d be there for me. Cohesion, within the definition of water, describes how the molecules of water, act, and stay together. This is how I would want my relationships with others to be, showing that although there are so many people, or water molecules, we’re all still connected.


The strength of the ocean not only lies with its supporters, but within itself. It is made up of millions of connections from one water source to the other, and even man-made connections where all drains lead to the ocean. Through these connections, they create a support system of ever flowing water, continuously flowing in and out, alike how I have people, and other factors influencing me to do better and to keep my head up. Through social media, and technology in general, I have bonds with people from across the world, almost like how the vast source of the ocean touches a little bit of everywhere. In this lies strength not only in numbers, but in control, being able to know what I can and cannot do, allows me to grow slowly but surely, and also allows me to have mistakes and fail, but realize I can use it to better myself.


The ocean is constantly moving, it goes in the direction it’s pushed, and it listens to the gravitational pulls contracting it. This demonstrates my life in that, it will keep going, and I will be changing and going with the flow that I am destined to. No matter what, the ocean has a flowing path to go everywhere. In my life, I can go everywhere that I know I can reach. Through the balances and imbalances of the ocean, it creates an ultimately perfect relationship, showing it’s great, reliable, and wondrous capabilities of duration. I strive to be the best that I can be, and to do everything in my power to find perfect balance in order to take the next step forward, as the ocean does, based on all the changes around and in it.


Through the entirety of my years in grade school, teachers have guided me on my path to success, and also through my times of failure. They’ve encouraged me to keep trying, even when I knew it was going to be impossible. However, through their encouragement I found that I was much stronger than I thought I was. This relates to the currents of the ocean in that some are strong pushers, while others are mild. Sometimes in my life, I needed a strong push in the right direction, while others, I simply needed support in making the right decision. In this, the current that guides the movement of the ocean, has pushed me in the direction, in which, I can succeed, and pass my own expectations.

"NOW this is the law of the jungle, as old and as true as the sky, 

And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die.


As the creeper that girdles the tree trunk, the law runneth forward and back; 

For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack."

~Rudyard Kipling~

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