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Danielle A. Teng

Mrs. Scharf


13 February 2017


My Most Accomplished Project:

I am most proud of my performance in an IB presentation of our Interactive Oral, in my junior year of high school at Great Oak. For this presentation we had to utilize at least two books of the ones we had read that year. I had created an art piece that represented the polar sides of the two books I chose, The Things They Carried, by Tim Burton, and Beloved, by Toni Morrison. My choices of shading and symbolic formations within the art piece effectively depicted my argument for the IOP. Additionally, my presentation turned out to empower me. I proved to myself that I can do something on my own, and succeed, despite how afraid I am of doing it. Through the stress that this project had put on me, I learned to surpass the anxiety of failing, and instead, working on it as much as I possibly could, to ensure it had a good result. Although I didn’t get the highest grade possible, it felt as though I truly gave the project my all.

Powerpoint:                    Art Piece:

My Academic Growth:

Over the years, I have gained better habits and methods of grasping a new concept. For example, with the topic of math, I’ve learned that for my style of learning, it’s easier to go over problems and do multiple problems, in order to fully understand a rule. Another example, in the topic of english would be that, through reading more, on my own, and writing on my own, I found that it allowed ideas to flow smoother. I used to have problems with not knowing what to write, however, now I can effectively come up with an interesting topic, or stance that I can support to the fullest. Additionally, through my transcript, my classes got progressively harder, which shows how I wanted to challenge myself. Through the challenges or harder classes, the higher grades got harder to reach, and I found that I could dip my feet in a different kind of water.  

Progression After High School:

Through my four years in high school, the topic that I have struggled with, consistently, was english. This was due to my writer’s block and lack of creativity. However, through seeing how my skills have improved over the years, this shows that I can forevermore add to my skills and critique them until perfection, for as long as I live. On another note, the topic of math was easy-breezy, until the past couple years as a result of moving to Calculus and having loss and medical issues arise. However, although some grades showed my struggle, I know I was doing the best I could, with the state that I was in. Through these experiences, I know how far I can go, regardless of what is happening around me. I know I can continue to fight to try my hardest in every topic, in order to achieve the most I can, disregarding a letter, or number grade. By looking at the grade I get and getting motivated, instead of blindsighted by a bad score, I can influence myself to do even better.

Am I Prepared?:

These four years at Great Oak High School, have, no doubt, been a long surprising journey. I’ve been surrounded by all kinds of people. I’ve met friends that I hope to be lifelong, and I’ve met ones that use people to get to the top. There is a limitless supply of different kinds of people: the studious ones, the slackers, the brainiacs, and the perfect people. However, through my journey through normal classes, AP classes, and IB classes, despite how different each person is, I realized that we’re all the same. All trying, whether we show it or not, to make a future for ourselves. Great Oak has taught me first hand that, balance matters. It’s not humanly possible to go all out in academics, and not worry about anything else. We have to keep a balanced life between academics, health, family and friends, and our future. We cannot be overwhelmed by just one, or else everything will come crumbling down. This is one of the greatest lessons I’ve learned by attending such a competitive school.

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